Frequently asked questions

  • How much are scholarships from Unlocking Education?

    At this time, Unlocking Education will provide one single-time scholarship for $1,000.

  • What are the eligibility requirements?

    To qualify for this one-time scholarship, applicants must:

    - Be incarcerated at Anamosa State Penitentiary

    - Be approved by Anamosa State Penitentiary to participate in a college program

    - Be accepted into or enrolled in a 2 or 4 year college program

    - Provide 1 letter of recommendation from an administrator or mentor within their correctional facility that confirms the applicant is a good candidate for a scholarship (this can be their counselor or CORE group liaison)

    - Participate in leadership or other groups while incarcerated

    - Demonstrate a willingness and commitment to giving back to the community

  • Can scholarships be used to pay off student loans or other debts?

    No. Unlocking Education does not award grants after a student has completed their program.