Meet Michael.

   My name is Michael Roach, and I'm 47 years old. I'm currently incarcerated at Anamosa State Penitentiary. I received my GED her at ASP. I would like to continue my education, and receive a degree in sociology. I've been incarcerated since 2003. I received my GED here at ASP, but that was as far as education would go for me. Reason being, one, wouldn't he able to afford it, and two, wasn't a part of the prison's priority. So to continue my education was out of the question.

My hope now, is to revive myself and dream again. Allow that dream to become a reality, because education and the benefits of it, is evidenced based. I've seen how getting an education, doesn't just allow you to become a student of the worlds universal language, but the impact it has on one's social life, and curiosity. So the benefit is enormous, not just for me, but all the men that sees me. Education give us an opportunity to become one with the world again. So to receive a degree while incarcerated would mean the world to me. It's a reminder that I can be better, and know more.

Earning a degree sends the message that, I care about the outcome of my life, and my place in society.

Because education is social, and the bridge that leads to every where. Life has taught many of us on its own, but how beautiful life can and will be, when we choose to participate in the learning process.

As I end this message, I sit here in awe, because this opportunity to speak, comes from the aid of a stranger. And when I say stranger, I want to be clear. We are all a part of one family, the Human Family. Therefore, we are not strangers; may be unknown to each other, but not strangers. So to have the help of a unknown relative, is extremely special, and sends the message, " You're not alone." Despite your mistakes, you still matter. And it reinforces the fact that we are responsible for our outcomes. I am extremely grateful for my "relatives", for helping me achieve a goal such as this. And I vow, to pay it forward

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Meet James.


Meet Seth.