Meet seth.
My name is Seth Techel, I'm 34. I have an AA, and would like to finish my degree in fire science as I was a firefighter back home, I'm also interested in a public science and psychology degree with hopes of working with the homeless and veteran populations. I've been incarcerated in prison for ten years and spent two and a half years in county jail going through trials.
I first realized that college courses were available a few months after I got here at ASP when I saw some things available through Kirkwood Community College. But quickly found out that it was geared more for helping people getting their GED and not for continuing education.
An education for people who are incarcerated ranks very close to going home for those who truly understand what an education can do for them. Obviously everyone wants to go home, but one of the main factors that always brings up a sense of fear is, "how am I going to support myself and my family", having an education or trade in a specific field can be a massive force to curb those fears.
Prison has a way of making you lose hope in life, no matter how much time you are sentenced to.
Being able to get your nose in a course book is not only a welcomed distraction, but a real chance at changing the person you were when you came in.
And that's supposed to be the point of prison, rehabilitation. To change the mindset of individuals from who they were to a productive, active member of society when they return and unfortunately, because the Department of Corrections doesn't fulfill this essential hole, it is up to caring, understanding, and intelligent individuals such as yourselves to fill this void.
When you are constantly treated as scum, no matter of your guilt or innocence, to be told that a complete stranger wants to help pay for a higher education for you because they believe in you...words cannot describe the emotional weight that carries.
Just to hear that there are people who would want to help complete strangers better themselves and therefore better society as a whole, makes anyone who hears it want to be a better person as well.